Category: System Files

What is a MDMP file?

Files that contain MDMP file extension are used to store compressed data files created after a system error has occurred. These files can also be referred to as ‘minidump files.’ Windows version XP use it in their operating system. MDMP file contains information that has been dumped by the memory space of an application. The data ‘dumped’ contains information about the error or crush that has occurred. This information could be useful for debugging. The MDMP files are usually created along with an uncompressed HDMP file. The information contained in these files can be sent to Microsoft to report the error present in the software. Microsoft then uses the reported data to debug the software application. You can also analyze the MDMP files in Microsoft visual studio by running the debugs.
The debugs will create a simulated process that will provide the instructions responsible for the crash. To open on the MDMP file, you need an appropriate software like WINXP.

How to Open MDMP Files

Microsoft Windows SDK

Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft WinDbg

How to Make MDMP Files

Below are some software programs that can open MDMP files. Download one to open your file now.