Category: Web Files

What is a HTML file?

Introduced in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee and other CERN engineers, the HTML extension refers to files stores in the Hypertext Markup Language. These are documents that a web browser will display to all its users. The browsers use the language to understand and compose texts, images, and other materials into a relevant audio-visual output that the end-users can comprehend.
HTML language is all about elements that act as the building block for webpages. Regular users are unlikely to come across an HTML file as the web developers create them and upload them, and the web browsers parse them to keep it safe from a possible breach.

How to Open HTML Files

Microsoft Visual Studio Code

W3C Amaya

Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe ColdFusion Builder

Microsoft Visual Studio

Blumentals WeBuilder



Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe ColdFusion Builder

W3C Amaya


Microsoft Visual Studio Code

W3C Amaya



Microsoft Visual Studio Code

How to Make HTML Files

Below are some software programs that can open HTML files. Download one to open your file now.