Category: System Files

What is an EVTX file?

EVTX is a Microsoft Windows Event log file that has been implemented in Vista and the server. The previous version was known as EVT (Event logging). EVTX files are Microsoft log files generated by Windows Event Viewer. The files are found in C:Windowssystem32winevtLogs, and you can open them in Microsoft Event Viewer in Windows. You can combine two or more EVTX files into one by using an EVTX merge. Windows Event logs are used to find details about events, and they are stored in a proprietary binary format. There are three main types of event logs:
• Application event log- it’s a vital for recording events written by applications and software such as the date and time the incident occurred.
• System event log- it contains records of the operating system events such as information about device drivers.
• Security event log- it contains records of security-related events as per the audit policies you set on each object. EVTX files can also be opened by a mac application known as EVTX Reader.

How to Open EVTX Files

Microsoft Event Viewer

How to Make EVTX Files

Below are some software programs that can open EVTX files. Download one to open your file now.