EJS File

Category: Developer Files

What is an EJS file?

Developed by EJS, the Embedded JavaScript Template refers to a code to generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript. Users can find these as a part of a webpage or an application and lets them fill up information from a database enabling it to produce a Hypertext Markup Language output at execution.
The EJS extension is a plain text file with mostly static elements to ensure parity amongst all the pages under the same type. But users can edit certain aspects to differentiate where necessary. Also present are the dynamic items, but an external source (database) is essential to fill it up.

How to Open EJS Files


Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Sublime Text

GNU Emacs


Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Sublime Text

MacroMates TextMate

Panic Coda


Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Sublime Text


How to Make EJS Files

Below are some software programs that can open EJS files. Download one to open your file now.