What is a DCR file?
DCR file is an interactive media file. It is usually stored in the shockwave format. The reason why it is saved in the shockwave format is for the ease of online distribution. This could be because shockwave formats are relatively more compatible with web algorithms. The primary purpose of DCR files is usually for the creation of web games and other online content that fosters high-level interactions. There is a stark similarity between DCR files and SWF files in so many aspects. However, the main difference is that DCR files are created with Adobe director, whereas SWF files are created using Adobe flash. Adobe shockwave player has the capability of running the file also, but it comes as a web browser plugin. That means it can only open the file through a browser. The other variation of DCR files is type 2, which are uncompressed images saved in Kodak Raw image format.
How to Open DCR Files
How to Make DCR Files
Below are some software programs that can open DCR files. Download one to open your file now.