AZW3 File

Category: eBook Files

What is an AZW3 file?

Files that have the .AZW3 file extension are binary formatted eBook files developed in the Kindle Format 8, also referred to as KF8. KF8 eBooks are backwards compatible which allows them to include the container and file extension .MOBI. The format and file extension that is downloaded will depend on the device that is used to download and read the eBook file. KF8 eBooks were developed by Amazon and compared to the .AZW format, the predecessor of the KF8, the format can now support HTML5, CCS3 support, and many more; reflow is not supported. AZW3 is equipped with DRM protection and is also the preferred format to download Amazon eBooks. They were constructed using a command-line tool, KindleGen, and previewed with Kindle Previewer, a Kindle software simulator – both of these programs were provided by Amazon for free. KF8 files can have both MOBI files and a newer K8 version.

How to Open AZW3 Files

Amazon Kindle

Kindle Previewer


Amazon Kindle

Kindle Previewer


PatiSoftware theLibrarian


How to Make AZW3 Files

Below are some software programs that can open AZW3 files. Download one to open your file now.