SCC File

Category: Developer Files

What is a SCC file?

Source Code Control (SCC) files are related to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe and are ideal for small software developers. They are files that save and restore SCC data related to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe projects. This, in turn, prevents data loss and also tracks code changes as well as version control and programming languages support. Whenever a user uses the GET process, a .scc file is created. They are usually paired with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 application to provide a fast and seamless way of applying local copy source control management into their work. The particulars in elements of a source code control information saved in an SCC aids in recovery and merging of particular developer files in a Microsoft Visual Studio project. The repository of version control data connected to a project is separate from SCC files. They transmit data between repository and developer files for the project. An example is the mssccprj.scc, which is SCC plain text and vssver5.scc and vssver6.scc for the latest version.

How to Open SCC Files

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

Microsoft Visual Studio

How to Make SCC Files

Below are some software programs that can open SCC files. Download one to open your file now.