HEX File

Category: Misc Files

What is a HEX file?

HEX files are file formats responsible for sending binary information in ASCII text form. ASCII text forms are electronic communication standards that use characters to encode information. Texts in computers are basically in ASCII form. Therefore, HEX files use these text forms to convey the information in binary. Commonly, they are used by programming microcontrollers and other programming devices. What typically happens is that in a computer application, a component called an assembler ensures that the source codes for the programs are converted into machine code. The machine can discern this form. Subsequently, the codes are output as HEX files. The HEX files are then read by the programmer and interpreted into machine codes stored in PROM, a form of ROM. Alternatively, the HEX files can be transferred directly into the target system for loading and execution. They include lines of ASCII text that are divided either by a line feed, a carriage return, or both.

How to Open HEX Files


Heaventools FlexHex

Hex Workshop Hex Editor

Cygnus Hex Editor

HHD Hex Editor


How to Make HEX Files

Below are some software programs that can open HEX files. Download one to open your file now.