What is an OBB file?
OBB files are data expansion files that were developed by Google and distributed through the Google Play online store to be used by some Android apps. They are binary data files that store data that is not stored in the .APK file, the application’s main file. OBB files are often stockpiled in a device’s shared storage folder and typically include files such as graphics, media files, and other larger program assets. These files store the data that is not stored in .APK files but they are not necessary to be opened to use the app. Developers use expansion files, such as zips and mp4s – or the tool provided by the Android SDK, JOBB – to package and encrypt additional assets within OBB files. Developers are able to include up to two APK Expansion Files within their apps to make the process easier for developers and more pleasant for users.
How to Make OBB Files
Below are some software programs that can open OBB files. Download one to open your file now.