D File

Category: Developer Files

What is a D file?

A D file falls under source codes. They are developer files with source codes written using the D programming language. This language looks like popular C++ codes. However, they are altered by C# Java and also Eiffel. They are usually in text format. You can therefore edit and make modifications using different text editors. To make any changes to a P file, you have to be a Mac, Windows, or Linux user. You also require a D compiler to do so. The compiler converts the text document into an executable file. There is also another D file which is source dependant. It is a developer file generated by GCC. In the file are defendant plain texts with the information regarding files used to develop O files (compiled objects). As you compile files via GCC, a D file is created. This happens as soon as the –MMD flag is active.

How to Open D Files



MacroMates TextMate


How to Make D Files

Below are some software programs that can open D files. Download one to open your file now.