What is a NIB file?
.NIB files are created by the Interface Builder User Interface File software program when the user is developing the user interfaces for any Mac OS X applications. It also saves a user interface component such as a window, or a view, as well as text fields, buttons, and many other interactive components for user convenience. Creating interfaces visually in the Interface Builder is often easier than creating them programmatically considering NIB files are not required for Mac OS X applications to function properly. The .XIB file format, which stores the same information as a NIB file but carries a text-based file format, is created by a tool called Apple X code – which is a program application that is used for designing and testing user interfaces. It allows much faster and easier development of reliable user interfaces in comparison to having to manually write the necessary code by hand
How to Make NIB Files
Below are some software programs that can open NIB files. Download one to open your file now.