What is an AAR file?
The .AAR is a file that is considered to be a software library that is put to use when developing new android apps; ironically, very similar to the Android package file, .APK. But, in comparison to its predecessor, AAR allows multiple components to be reused across multiple applications. Examples of reusable Android components include activities, services, user interface layouts, and much more. The Android studio, Gradle, can be used to compile the Android app libraries that are usually available through remote repositories and these tools also assist in making android Studio. AAR files can be applied manually into an app through the application’s modules with the Android Studio program. These files are stored in a ZIP file format and can be decompressed easily with any zip file utility. This feature allows .AAR files to store nearly any type of data including resources, source code, and a manifest file.
How to Open AAR Files
How to Make AAR Files
Below are some software programs that can open AAR files. Download one to open your file now.